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Gaylon Shanks's Mom
Merry Christmas Timmy ! Rest now in the loving arms of our Lord
Edwina~Troy Mitchells mum
I light this candle in your memory may it burn bright forever in honor of you dear Timmy
Carol Angel Michael's Mom
A candle burns in memory of your angel. Have a Blessed Christmas. Love and prayers
Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Wishing ur family a Blessed & Merry Christmas & hoping the memories of u bring light & love to their hearts ~♥~
Jane, Adam Smith's Mom
Merry Christmas in Heaven Timmy. I am sure there will be a big celebration with the Lord and all of his angels today.
rain arizolas mommy
Lighting this candle for you and letting you know you and your family are in our payers.
Noah Morell's Mommy
Lighting this candle in your loving memory, safe in God's care may you forever fly free swee Timmy
Ada ~ Mom to Angel Jacob Cruz
Merry Christmas in Heaven sweet Angel Timmy. Se nd hugs and warmth to your loving family.
Denise James Kneale's mum
Merry Christmas Timmy, light up our skies and please leave signs of your peace for your dear mum. Blessings xxx
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Swept away by Angels on a Heavenly Flight xxxxxxxx
Fam. of Scott & Samantha Myers
Those whom we have cherished, live on forever, for love wraps itself around the heart. God Bless!
B.J.,Wayne & Buck Outlaws Mama
Those we love never truly go away, they live on in our hearts forever. Sendong gentle hugs to all that love and miss you Timmy.♥
Total Candles: 1319
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